Photo shoot
3 Dec, 2006

Jase is a student in Melbourne. We met at a bar in the city and I told him about the shoots I do. He loved the idea and couldn’t wait to get his gear off… on condition that I had mine off as well. And what a hottie he is!

Photo shoot
27 Nov, 2006

This is the shoot I had been looking forward to for a long time. Geoffery bought his gear from the states for this shoot… and dam he looks good in it! After even though he was still as horny as all hell he needed to take a piss… make sure you check out the video.

Photo shoot
24 Nov, 2006

I took these shots of Jake while I was in New York. He and I had such a great time there. Check him out trying to squeeze his fat cock into my cock pump. Make sure you check out the video we made too.

Photo shoot
18 Nov, 2006

Andy has got to have the hottest butt I’ve ever seen! I get a boner every time I look at these shots.

Photo shoot
15 Nov, 2006

I’m not sure if I was more impressed by Scott’s ball skills or his big cock when he dropped by my place. It was an amazingly hot day and he quickly stripped down to his jockstrap to show me a few tricks.

Updated 4 times a week
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New mates

Pedro Mota
Alex Black
Marvin Wonder
Pedro Flows
Daniel Colton
Toby Ottoli
Ryan Ford
Drew Miller
Arki Santos
Danny Luppo
Brian Jaxom
Shane Madden

Members' favourite scenes

Playing with my cute mate Toby Ottoli
Our fit mate Isaac jacking his big cock
Getting my cute mate Felix off in his first video
My cute mate Toby came back for a naked visit
Introducing our hot new mate Isaac Hunter
First shoot with our cute new mate Felix Stone
Billy Bones nailing our cute mate Connor
Photographing our hot new mate Ryan Ford